Hi Eliza, your insights into managing a digital identity are relatable and thoughtful. I appreciate how you have clearly separated your personal and professional online social media presence, this creates a balance allowing you to engage online without compromising your professionalism as a teacher. Your professional online account demonstrates a strong commitment to protecting students privacy by covering their faces demonstrating ethical online behaviour. I think engaging with others in the same field on Instagram by sharing teaching content is a great way to develop and expand your PLN while maintaining a professional image. Balancing personal and professional digital identities can be hard, but your method of keeping separate Instagram accounts is a great model that I plan to follow once I am employed after graduation. I share your goal of maintaining a consistent and positive social media presence that reflects my professional and personal values. Thank you for sharing! – Blog Post #2 – Miss Eliza (opened.ca)

Hi Amanda, I a value the care you take in managing your online presence. I appreciate that you googled yourself to get an idea of what your own digital footprint looks like. Although many individuals may overlook the importance of googling oneself it is a useful aspect tool to gain a clear image of who we are to the outside world. I also try to maintain private media accounts and I am cautious about what I share on the internet because our digital identities should reflect our true selves. Your awareness of maintaining a professional digital profile is impressive and something I also strive to maintain. Your enjoyment of online platforms like Youtube and Tiktok highlights the importance of consuming content mindfully without pressure to post on the platform. Overall, your online presence highlights the importance of being intentional with what we post online and being mindful of how we present ourselves online. Thank you for sharing! – Blog #2 – Amanda’s Blog 338 (opened.ca)

Hi Mackenzie, I appreciate you sharing how you manage your social media accounts in an increasingly digitized world with Photoshop and hackers looking to breach people’s accounts. I also agree that social media is an amazing tool for networking, yet there are many dangers of content you post being used against you, so it’s important to be cognizant of the content we post as university students. Your approach to keeping your social media accounts private demonstrates a great understanding of online safety, It’s great that you are careful about who sees your personal information online. The idea of using a professional photo and handle for your professional online accounts is a great way for people to consistently find and recognize you online. I also try to do this by using my full name for professional accounts and Nick names for personal ones. Having a professional photo is a great idea so others know who they are connecting with, that is something I will definitely add to my own LinkedIn. Looking ahead, adding multi factor authentication will be a great way to increase security within your online accounts. Thanks for sharing! – Blog Post #2 – Kenzie’s Learning Portfolio (opened.ca)